SOERE Environnement Urbain
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Impacts sur les milieux aquatiques

Badin A-L., Monier A., Volatier L., Geremia R.A., Delolme C., Bedell J-P. (2011). Structural stability, microbial biomass and community composition of sediments affected by the hydric dynamics of an urban stormwater infiltration basin. Microbial Ecology, 61, 885-897.

Cladière M., Bonhomme C., Vilmin L., Gasperi J., Flipo N., Habets F., Tassin B. (2014). Modelling the fate of nonylphenolic compounds in the Seine River — part 2 : Assessing the impact of global change on daily concentrations. Science of the Total Environment, 468 – 469, 1059 – 1068.

Foulquier A., Malard F., Mermillod-Blondin F., Montuelle B., Dolédec S., Volat B., Gibert J. (2011) Surface water linkages regulate trophic interactions in a groundwater food web. Ecosystems 14(8), 1339-1353.

Foulquier A., Mermillod-Blondin F., Malard F., Gibert J. (2011) Response of sediment biofilm to increased dissolved organic carbon supply in groundwater artificially recharged with stormwater. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11(2), 382-393.

Foulquier A., Malard F., Mermillod-Blondin F., Datry T., Simon L., Montuelle B. & J. Gibert (2010).Vertical change in dissolved organic carbon and oxygen at the water table region of an aquifer recharged with stormwater : biological uptake or mixing ? Biogeochemistry, 99, 31-47.

Goore Bi E., Monette F., Gasperi J., Perrodin Y. (2014). Assessment of the ecotoxicological risk of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) for an aquatic system using a coupled “substance and bioassay” approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(6):4460-4474.

Lafont M., Jezequel C., Vivier A., Breil P., Schmitt L., Bernoud S. (2010). Refinement of biomonitoring of urban water courses by combining descriptive and ecohydrological approaches, Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 10(1), 3-11.

Maazouzi C., Piscart C., Legier F., Hervant F. (2011). Ecophysiological responses to temperature of the "killer shrimp" Dikerogammarus villosus : Is the invader really stronger than the native Gammarus pulex ? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 159 : 268-274

Marmonier P., Maazouzi C., Foulquier A., Navel S., François C., Hervant F., Mermillod-Blondin F., Vieney A., Barraud S., Togola A., Piscart C. (2013). The use of crustaceans as sentinel organisms to evaluate groundwater ecological quality. Ecological Engineering. 57(2013), 118-132.

Navratil O., Breil P., Schmitt L., Grosprêtre L., Albert M.B. (2012). Hydrogeomorphic adjustments of stream channels disturbed by urban runoff (Yzeron river basin, france). Journal of Hydrology, 485, 24-36 (DOI : 10.1016/j.hydrol.2012.01.036).

Nogaro, G., Datry, T., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Descloux, S., Montuelle, B. (2010). Influence of streambed sediment clogging on microbial processes in the hyporheic zone. Freshwater Biology, 55 : 1288-1302.

Petrucci, G., Rodriguez, F., Deroubaix, J. F., Tassin, B. (2014). Linking the management of urban watersheds with the impacts on the receiving water bodies : the use of flow duration curves. Water Science and Technology, vol 70 (1), 127–135 doi:10.2166/wst.2014.206.

Schmitt L., Lafont M., Trémolières M., Vivier A., Jezequel C., Breil P., Valin K., Valette L., Perrin J.-F., Namour P. (2011). Using hydro-geomorphological typologies in functional ecology : first results in contrasted hydrosystems. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 36, 539-548.

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